Monday, November 15, 2010

One more week until the challenge officially begins! So far we have nearly 40 people who are joining the challenge. Yea! However, I have only received a handful of entry fees, so remember to get me your $10 entry fee by next Sunday and keep spreading the word, get your friends and relatives involved! You can mail your cash or check to: 304 N. Pinedale Way, Eagle, ID 83616. If you are a Y member, feel free to put in my mailbox downstairs. If you are sending a check, I won't be cashing it until probably a week before the raffle drawing. If you would like me to cash it sooner, just let me know.

Also, I posted another yummy recipe on the holiday recipe page: Sour Cream-Raspberry Swirl Loaf. Check it out. It can be frozen up to two months and would make a great friends and neighbors gift.

1 comment:

  1. I dropped my money off at the Y today. It's at the front desk! :o)
